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Price: $14.95
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Windows Desktop(~250K)
Windows Desktop
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"I thoroughly liked the program" -Julian
"Let me begin by adding to the list of praises for TDAI. It's simply beautiful. I downloaded the demo versions for PPC and PC last night, and have been enjoying just entering my class info."-Emil B
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The Dog Ate It for Desktop
"The Dog Ate It" is the most attractive, feature-rich Student Organizer on the market. Growing on the success of the Pocket PC version, the Windows
version is sure to help you with your Class Organization. It is decievingly simple, masking its powerful features all available to make you a better student! Featuring full class scheduling and assignment tracking using a set of 4 intuitive views, it makes accessing your schedule convenient and fun.
"The Dog Ate It" contains functionality found only in High-End Information Management Systems. And coded entirely in C++, "The Dog Ate It" is
guaranteed to be fast, efficient, and stable. It is the perfect companion to be installed on your laptop or kept at home on your desktop, for college and
High School students Everywhere. The program has been tested thoroughly so you don't have to worry about losing
data or finding glitches at the most inopportune times. Your Schedule is safe with us!
Buy Both the Desktop and Pocket PC Version and SAVE!!!
Price: $25.95
- Clean Efficient User Interface
- Four Different Informative Views
- View By Calendar, Classes, Dates, and Grades
- Full Assignment Tracking
- Quick Intuitive Reminder Entry
- Mark Assignments as HIGH PRIORITY
- Keep Track of Other Clubs/Sports/Activities
- List Display of all upcoming assignments
- Filterable Daily View
- Show reminders or Classes and reminders
- Class Setup, Including:
- Full Teacher/Professor Information
- Class Times
- TextBook Information
- Specific Grading Scales
- Overall Grade View
- Grade Tracking based on Customizable Grading systems.
- Printing Support
- File Compatibility and Full Synching with Pocket PC Version!!
- Multiple Color Schemes...
- And More....
Version History
Version 1.05 Changes - 10/9/2007
- New bigger icons and bigger font in drawing
- Add Reminder from daily View
- Other Fixes
- Install fixed for newest Active-Sync 4.5 Dlls
Version 1.04 Changes - 8/23/2006
- Synching with Active-Sync 4.1 and WM5
Version 1.03 Changes - 7/6/2005
- Fixed Rapi.dll problem
- Fixed bug where if no studentdef.stn exists it wouldnt continue sync to/from Pocket PC("Unable to Make Backup")
Version 1.02 Changes
- Full Automatic Synching with Pocket PC Version. One button push and its done...
- Fixed problem in backup term.
Version 1.01 Changes
- Maintenance loading of .stn files from 2.1 of Pocket PC Version improved...
Version 1.0a Changes
- Print dimensions adjusted