"Wonderful game and it has improved my real life play tremendously. After adjusting the colors, the game became easy to read. I am a novice but regularly beat players who have been playing for years. This game has helped me develop and hone my strategies. I have tried other poker games but this one is the best."
-Palmgear User
"Have been playing the full version of this game for nearly five months now and find it a worthwhile and enjoyable purchase for the keen poker player ...very entertaining!"
-Palmgear User
All-In Hold 'Em for Palm OS
Are you looking for a great game of Texas Hold 'Em for your Palm PDA? Well you've found the best!
At Only $9.95 All-In Hold 'Em easily packs the most bang for the buck of any Palm Based Texas Hold 'Em Game. Stunning Graphics,
Great Tournament Play as seen on TV, tons of customization options, and the top Poker Artificial Intelligence Engine available for PDA Devices and Smartphones,
We've recently completely re-done the entire game to make it the superior product it is today. So if this is your first visit, or you've tried it before, don't
take our word for it, Try New All-In Version 1.5!
Do you dream of becoming the next great poker champion, or do you just want to play better in your home game? Well get practicing, go All-In!!
Have a Windows Mobile powered Palm Treo 700w? Click Here.
Tournament Play as seen on the WPT, WSOP, and Celebrity Poker.
Birdsoft's Superior Poker Graphics Engine
The Guaranteed Best Poker Artificial Intelligence Engine for PDAs/Smartphones
Fifteen Unique Animated Computer Players which play using one of 3 random styles of Play : Tight, Normal, and Loose.
Limit, Pot Limit, or NO LIMIT Play
Choice of Tournament length based on starting money
Ring Game Simulations
Customizable Table, Deck, and Background
Adjustable Button Layout
And more....
Note: As with all Palm Software, this program may not be compatible with some Palm Devices, please try before you buy!