Extreme Calendar is a premier Calendar Planner for your iDevice. Organize your busy life with great timesaving features in a hot new interface. Extreme Calendar features the top calendaring from the full organizer Extreme Agenda, and when you are ready for the full feature set upgrading is only an InApp purchase away.
Get Organized. Go Extreme!
Great Calendaring
Powerful views including Year, Month, Week, Upcoming Agenda List, and Day.
Pull Birthdays and Anniversaries from your contacts with pictures.
Advanced repeating event options.
Military time, ISO week, and week start options.
Uses and expands on your native calendar data.
Sync like you would with the default calendar.
Next month preview option on Month View
Uses time bars and icons to keep you informed at a glance
Show event text right on calendar
Quickly Copy/Move Events
Identifying and Filtering
Filter events based on iCal calendars.
64 professional icons built in to easily identify your events.
Power and Flexibility
Universal Support(iPad)
TextExpander, Dropbox and BUMP Support
Portrait and Landscape Support.
Retina Display Support.
Background and color theme choices.
Help System
Available in English and Spanish.
Easily upgrade to Extreme Agenda via InApp Purchase.
Wondering what an upgrade gets you. You can upgrade at the very bottom of the settings page, to get the full features of Extreme Agenda.
Two contact views including cover flow and a photo contact list, a task view with multiple sorting options and task integration into the calendar,
a quick list view which allows you to quickly make lists and share them with other iPhones/iPads by BUMPing them(or you can email them), categories
in your events and tasks for color and icon support and advanced filtering by categories, and 140 more professional icons to identify your events
and tasks. It also adds dropbox backup for your tasks and event extension information.
The next step to becoming truly organized.
Known Issues
Some features like creating calendars and editing event attendees Apple simply won't let us do 'yet'.
There is a possibility that during some syncs event extension information(categories, icon, sensitivity) could be lost and believe this will not even
be a possibility as Apple fixes a couple things. We have not yet got a report from any our our thousands of users proving this to be true, but we felt
we should disclose this anyway.